Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something has changed

We have a real sense that something has changed in the Spiritual climate. Since the start of the year we have seen one young guy give his life to the Lord. A number of others come along and join us and a general fresh sense of hunger both amongst us as a team and amongst the people.

New opportunities have also come along and we have seen situations that have seemed stuck suddenly change and people who have seemed closed suddenly have a new openness. This can only be due to the Spirit of God who we sense is moving amongst us, meeting the hunger & thirst he finds in us and answering the prayer of many years... So we invite you to rejoice with us.

Tomorrow is tsichopembti - Greasy Thursday - everyone goes out to a restaurant to eat meat! Then it is the start of Carnival for about 10 days. So why should the Greeks have all the fun - we'll be off for Gyros tomorrow!

On Friday we will commence our Worship & prayer nights in the city. We will go out on the streets and both suss out what's going on and look for God created appointments.. we have already heard that our young guys will come along and hopefully others who were with us on Sunday will join us.. Maybe we will even get into some street preaching!

Thanks for your prayers, keep at it!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, gyros (said in a drool dripping Homer Simpson way!)!!!

Save one for me!

Enjoy the carnival and enjoy what God is doing out there. Great to get the updates so regularly.


Wacky Racer said...

You're probably tucking into your 5th gyros as I Type Dave! Fear not - thats what Burping and Flatulence are for..

Great to hear your wonderful news on the breakthrough - look forward to more pics..

God Bless you all.


Wacky Racer said...

You're probably tucking into your 5th gyros as I type, Dave. Fear not - thats what Burping and Flatulence are for..

Wonderful to hear the Breakthrough news. Looking foward to more pics.

God Bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Where is my Gyrooooosss????? I want one now!!!
