Sunday, February 18, 2007

Carnival day here in Perea

So it's carnival day - a procession that proved to be larger than expected was due to start about 11.00. In accordance with Greek tradition it started soon after 12.00 and was colourful loud and a great start as it was the first parade ever, here in Perea.

Jamie, Joanna and the psomalis family excelled as clowns and wow - you should have seen them move. I Guess 4-5000 people turned out.

Political correctness and Global warming are not features of life in these parts so some aspects of the parade would definately be frowned upon by those who love the PC stuff...

Tonight we have our various events the Barnes & the Psomalis family are reaching out to friends and neighbours; The Webb's & David Carter will be in the city wit a small group of folk. However the advance contineus and there are great steps being taken by some who are not a part of any church...

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