Thursday, February 01, 2007

Good morning from Thessaloniki;

Preparations are going well for our opening this weekend in the city... We have invited a crowd so please pray that we are anointed. We will meet evry Sunday night - the first for Celebration and the others for something more like a home group. We will also meet every Friday night for Worship & Prayer. I am looking at doing some themedsemionars in the place also.

We have some capital expenditure needs that require meeting ath the moment and our trustees suggested I put them on the Blog...

The House of prayer has some renovation expenses; We need to buy a car - about 25,000 Euro; a couple of Laptops; a projector to link to the computer; We still need to complete payment of the van - about £2500.... If you would like to help please get in touch...

Yesterday jamie & I (DW) drove to veria where we met with some believers, it was an encouraging time... the Lord is moving..


Harvey said...

Hi! There's so much good stuff happening over there- thanks for keeping us updated its great to read about it. We will certainly be praying for you this week-end as the centre opens.

Anonymous said...

Good to know what is going on. we'll be praying for you on Sunday in Church. I have the leading in the first service:)
