Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Innovative Women...

After the women's conference in March something happened in the realm of the spirit concerning the women of Greece... Lynn caught on and began to get a vision for something to develop here where the 'strong women of Thessaloniki' could walk into their destiny!

So we organised a ladies lunch and invited a whole number of women we are in contact with, both believers and non-believers. About half of them turned out, which was very encouraging and we had a great time chatting and sharing together.

Lynn was able to communicate the vision she had and we had some music from the girls.

Lynn took the word from Exodus 2 where there is a clear illustration of the Israelite women playing an important role in releasing an oppressed nation!

We believe that the women we know who don't come to church have an important part to play in bringing the 'churched' women out of their religiosity and then they could bring the life of Jesus to these 'non-churched' women...

This is the start of something we want to do on a regular basis. We have visions for workshops, helplines, trips out to believers who are isolated in outer towns
in northern Greece to encourage and build them up etc.

We would appreciate it if you prayed for us, that our plans would take off and that their would be a good response from these women!
We think the time is right for women not to be afraid of the challenges of the Kingdom!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

There's a wedding theme going on...

Well it was a busy weekend for the guys, who were in Germany for 2 days. They attended the wedding of our very good friends Simon Pfau who was apart of the team for a year, who married the beautiful Kate! It was a fantastic & highly entertaining day and it was really great that the guys could be there to support and bless them!

Meanwhile the ladies stayed behind and got stuck in with preparations for another wedding that's soon to be happening...

Sunday night was our monthly celebration meeting in the city. Despite being a bit thin on the ground, God clearly spoke to us and there was a good time of worship & sharing together.

These next couple of weeks hold a lot in store.. it's a busy time, so please pray for us!
We are looking for a new office, moving David & Carolyn into their new place and hosting an abundance of visitors...

Don't forget Eurovision on Saturday night!
Greece hasn't, we're getting together with some friends to do battle & egg on the best entry ...let me tell you, from what we've heard, it's stiff competition! :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

a tale of driving tests, driving and greeks!

Well, after many years of waiting, I finally passed my driving test…. on the Greek roads! This makes it more special.

The day kicked off to a bad start. I hit the curb a number of times during my practice - I was very nervous! To add to my nerves, I wasn’t sure if a bribe was to be dealt or not – and I wasn’t going to do that!

My instructor and I arrived at the area for my examination and, lo and behold, so had 25 other companies! Hoards of people were gathered around waiting for their exam… and I mean crowds… ironically, the roads were blocked!

Oh the joys of being watched by 50 pairs of eyes as I fumbled through my exam!!!

So the examiners turned up and were split between the companies – we had 2 examiners for our group. We set off… in convoy. I had my whole ‘driving school family’ following me around my designated exam area!

In the car my instructor sat next to me, whilst the examiners sat in the back! There was translation. After 20 minutes, I pulled over from my exam and got out of the car to find my convoy hanging out of their cars behind screaming ‘Congratulations!’ They got out and ran to me. Remember the MANY scenes from ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding!’ Well this was ‘My Big Fat Greek Driving Test!’ – I say no more… I think I’ll leave the rest to your imagination!!!

But I would like to thank my Greek driving school family for their support: George, Katerina, Kizakis and the 30 others who stood by and watched the whole ordeal!!! I’m a good driver… honest?