Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Innovative Women...

After the women's conference in March something happened in the realm of the spirit concerning the women of Greece... Lynn caught on and began to get a vision for something to develop here where the 'strong women of Thessaloniki' could walk into their destiny!

So we organised a ladies lunch and invited a whole number of women we are in contact with, both believers and non-believers. About half of them turned out, which was very encouraging and we had a great time chatting and sharing together.

Lynn was able to communicate the vision she had and we had some music from the girls.

Lynn took the word from Exodus 2 where there is a clear illustration of the Israelite women playing an important role in releasing an oppressed nation!

We believe that the women we know who don't come to church have an important part to play in bringing the 'churched' women out of their religiosity and then they could bring the life of Jesus to these 'non-churched' women...

This is the start of something we want to do on a regular basis. We have visions for workshops, helplines, trips out to believers who are isolated in outer towns
in northern Greece to encourage and build them up etc.

We would appreciate it if you prayed for us, that our plans would take off and that their would be a good response from these women!
We think the time is right for women not to be afraid of the challenges of the Kingdom!

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