Monday, July 16, 2007

Since David & Carolyn's wedding a lot has been going on with the team in Greece. Here's some idea of what we've been up to...

At the end of June, Jamie & Rachel ran their annual kids camp. It was a great week, the kids came back full of enthusiasm and so did the leaders. They had 7 kids, with help from Lynn, Joanna, Tom and Theodoris. We will post some pictures shortly and detailed news from the camp leaders!

We remain very connected with the Methodist church who meet opposite our place in the city. They seek to move on in God and the things of the Spirit and we desire to support and encourage them in that.
A few of us have been attending their Sunday morning meeting and Dave spoke yesterday.

We have built some good relationship with a number of those who attend.
Yesterday we had a baptism on the sea-front here in Perea. The beach was packed with people and we had quite a number of on-lookers and some opportunity to share with some of them. We had a time of worship and then after the baptism, Nikos - one of the guys from the Methodist church, with a loud, booming voice preached the gospel to all our spectators sitting nearby.
Here are some photos...

The last few weeks our worship team and theirs have met together to practice and move into a more prophetic style of worship, which is very new to the church in Greece. We can see that God is doing a new thing in this area and we are seeking to move into that. It has been a good start as we learn to work together musically and create a new sound with our various instruments and styles.

Dave W & Jamie visited Albania last week for a missions week and made some good connections with the church out there. They saw a number of guys get saved but I'll let them fill you in at some other point....

Lots going on as usual...

This Saturday Lynn is doing another 'innovative women' get-together. This is specificly aimed at 'single & newly married ladies' - please pray that all those invited show up and it's a really dynamic and creative time.
Also next Monday the Youth Camp starts... keep us in mind!

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