Monday, April 17, 2006

Give yourself... be transformed!

We are off to the UK for our annual Leaders event – Lynn, Joanna & Carolyn will be in Greece whilst the David’s, Jamie & Rachel head to the UK.

So here are 2 important commercials for you to read!

If they don’t apply to you directly please see if you can help us by passing on the information to others.


Praxis is the Greek name of the Acts of the Apostles.

In September 2006 we plan to start PRAXIS - Christian training programme. It will be a mixture of life learning, Outreach, Discipleship training and Bible school. We are expecting a group of 6-8 people to join us for a season of Action / Praxis. We are looking for people from the nations to come and be a part of reaching this nation with the Good News of Christ.

So we invite applicants to come to Greece for 3-12 months and be a part of our team.. We will have a weekly programme of learning that will involve learning through involvement. Each person will be taught, study and discuss themes relevant to the developing church today. There will be times for prayer, worship and outreach.

Each applicant will be required to pay some living costs and assist in practical work. This requires a willingness to give your self fully. You will also need to have-a-go at picking up some basic Greek.

This is a great opportunity – please pray & consider this, pass the information on to whoever you feel it may be good for…

For more information please contact

This is Jamie & Rachel -

They will lead our young people’s summer camp in Halkidiki. The camp will take place in the last two weeks of July and will be a mixture of spiritual and physical challenge! We are looking for people’s lives to be changed and for us all to move on in God.

We want to see His Kingdom come! This year we believe for the lives of people around us to be touched and changed as well.

It is our desire to have a core group of 15-20 young people for this event, people who are open to change, want to play an active part in our team and who are willing to be used by God.

The camp will take place from 17th – 30th July and will cost approximately 300 euros.

For more details contact Jamie and Rachel on

Look forward to hearing from you.

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